May 13th, 2016, after shotcrete repairing by Allied Rongda, Bayuquan Anshan Steel 4038m³ BF tapping was normal.
The 4038BF was the biggest blast furnace of the Anshan Steel Group, also one of few giant BFs larger than 4000m³ in China. Allied Rongda won the bid of BF shotcrete project a few days ago.
This is the first full shotcrete job on a giant BF (larger than 4000m³) in China by Allied Rongda. The blast furnace bosh is more than 16 meters in diameter. And there are more than 3 meters difference between the upper and lower radius. To successfully accomplish this project, Allied Rongda organized a lot of technical improvements and simulation tests based on all former experience. Allied Rongda also developed a large self-balanced-remote-controlled-telescopic-spray-gun, with automatic spraying, and operated a simulation test on a simulated device with the same diameter (16 meters). The equipments and installation organization had been optimized. Online CCTV was installed at the site, which enables the team of experts of Rongda-Beijing-Headquarter to supervise and conduct throughout the process.
The shotcrete job lasted 13 hours and finished at 0:00, May 9, 2016. With the speed more than 15 tons per hour, a rebound rate of less than 5wt%, and less than half of the planned installation time.

simulation test device of Big BF
The GM, Mr.Xu Jilong with the leader of Anshan Steel in site
4G remote control system
Start shotcrete job