On the 7-9 of March 2018, the 12th India international refractories conference and exhibition (IREFCON) was held in New Delhi. As a representative company in the domestic refractory industry, Beijing Allied Rongda Engineering Material Ltd (hereinafter referred to as "Allied Rongda") which in recent years made independent research and development of outstanding products, and the most provider of new technologies and achievements in the refractory industry appeared on the meeting.
IRMA (India Refractory Materials Association) is a consortium of the Indian Refractories industry. Its organization of refractories exhibition and conference is the most professional and most important industry event in India. IREFCON -2018 is the second largest refractory industry in the world, providing an important trading platform for the production and consumers of refractories in India and in the world. Allied Rongda has been invited to participate in the exhibition with new technologies and new materials. New technologies received extensive attention.
Under the guidance of "The Belt and Road", Allied Rongda have brought these new technologies and new materials to India, hoping that through these new technologies can effectively help and solve the problem of high energy consumption, high pollution and high production cost in metallurgical and refractory industries.