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Mr. Dominique Eurin from Allied Rongda International Engineering Department attends IAS in Argentina

Issues Time:2018-11-20

Mr. Dominique Eurin from Allied Rongda International Engineering Department was attending an event in Argentina hosted by IAS (Instituto Argentino de Siderurgia) at 23 Oct 2018.

Use of laser scanning for growth of the refractory campaign in steel ladles (Vesuvius Brazil) – Steelmaking refractories。 Mr. Dominique Eurin think that we can use this technology or propose this technology for the shotcrete offer. We make the scanner of the BF before the shotcrete and after. So that we can have an idea of the thickness of refractory we gun. By that we can also make an estimation of the duration before another repair. Then be prepared for the next repair and make the offer just on time. It is a technology we have to consider seriously. We must be innovative in front of the competition.