Luo Xingyuan; Male; Title Senior Engineer; D Sc Tech
Major: Material Science
Tel: 0411-82199809 82473708(Fax)
Work Experience:
1978-1982 Study refractory materials in Chemical Department of Wuhan Yejin University of Science
and Technology.
1996-1999 Study in Beijing University of Science and Technology for PhD.
1982-1993 Luoyang Institute of Refractories Research; responsible for developing and popularizing
of new technologies.
Achievements in Scientific Research:
1.National key project of "7th Five-Year Plan" (first responsibility):Refractory materials used
for Jinchuan ore smelting electric arc furnaces.
2.National key project of "8th Five-Year Plan" (second responsibility): Research on getting corundum
by electrically melting the bauxite; awarded the second prizes of advance in science and technology
respectively at the national level and by the Ministry of Metallurgical Industry.
3.Development of acid-resistant refractory bricks (second responsibility);awarded the forth prize
of advance in science and technology respectively by the Ministry of Metallurgical Industry.
4.National "Climbing" Program: research on refractory materials used for smelting reduction.
5.Development and industrial production of low creep high alumina bricks used for the BF hot stove.
6.Development and industrial production of fireclay bricks of low creep used for the BF hot stove.
7.Development, popularization and application of unfired high-alumina bricks used for the electric
furnace roof.
8.Development and application of alumina-magnesia precast blocks used for the tapping spout brick
of the electric furnace.
9.Trial-production of burned-magnesia bricks.
10.Laboratory studies on α-Al2O3 micro-powder.
11.Laboratory studies on β-SiC micro-powder.
12.Laboratory studies on SiO2-SiC kiln furniture.
13.Laboratory studies on the self-flow castable.
14.Laboratory studies on the low cement castable.