Zeng Yanwei; Male; Title Professor
Major: Material Science
Tel: 025-83587254(o), 13851773846(m)
E-mail: zengyanwei@tom.com
Work Experience:
Graduates in science of engineering of Materials Science; Doctor of Condensed Matter Physics
(Nanjing University); Professor; Doctor Supervisor.
Director of the Department of Materials Physics and Chemistry in Nanjing University; Academic leader
of Materials Physics and Chemistry in Jiangsu Province, responsible for the courses of Solid Physics,
Solid Surface Physics, and Introduction to Materials Physics, to name a few.
Field of Scientific Research:
Advanced preparation of functional materials such as the ferroelectric, ferromagnetic, semi-conductor,
solid electrolyte and so on, research, application and development of microstructure-performance
relation, including the preparation of low-dimension materials like thin film and nanometer (chemical
method,MOCVD, magnetron sputtering and so on), simulation study of material structure-performance
computer,and the technology of functionalization and multiplex function of traditional materials.
Experience of Scientific Research:
Research on Mossbauer spectrum of iron-bearing minerals' micro-structure and performance, coupling
anisotropy of modified PZT electric-ceramic machines, and micro-structure of domains. In the 1990s,
professor Zeng studies and works in Roman University, University of Venice, University of Trieste,
Third International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP) and SACMI in World Academy of Sciences.
Research on electrochemical modification of oxygen insertion of YBCO high temperature superconductor,
X-ray's scattering analysis of short-distance structure and granum shape of nanometer ZrO2, small
-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) theory of fractal structure, preparation and micro-structure analysis
of nanometer ZrO2 and solid acid, chemical preparation of ferroelectric thin film with no macroscopic
defects, and structure modification of the surface of ceramics that can bear high tempratures. He has
published more than 50 articles on influential Acta Physica Sinica, Journal of the Chinese Ceramic
Society, J. of Materials Science, J. of Non-crystalline Solids, J. of Applied Crystallography, J. of
Colloid & Interface Science, J. of Physics, Condensed Matter, Journal of Power Sources, to name
a few. He has also edited Introduction to Material Science (other chief editors: Shi Changxu and
Can Fengduan, 2002, Beijing) and other works and textbooks.
Present Projects:
1.Research on preparation of single ferroelectric nanometer and self-assembly of plane array structure.
2.Material research on high-power low magnetic moments and rotary magnetic field of low consumption.
3.Development of high-texture rotary magnetic field of hexagonal nanometer of single domain.
4.Material and technology research on high performance sealing of metal-quartz glass.
5.Material and technology research on ITSOFC.